In the morning light
Our 65㎡ Geodesic Yoga Dome is a marvelous structure. It was built with eco-friendly materials, provides protection from the elements, and creates a peaceful ambience for your practice.
Inside the Dome
Warm hardwood floors, the soft glow of diffused light, bluetooth sound system, yoga mats and props, climate controlled, and inspiring views.
Sound massage
Sound therapy can be arranged for your group upon request. Deep sound from symphonic gongs and therapeutic Tibetan singing bowls are used to create a sense of well-being.
“You are truly immersed in sound. There are moments where you do not want the sound to stop, so pure and mesmerizing it is. In the end I was super relaxed like with a physical massage.”
Our props
Our yoga dome is equipped with 16 mats, 15 bolsters, 30 bricks, 20 blocks, 18 belts, 12 wedges, 15 eye pillows, and 42 heavyweight blankets.